The story of FLOC begins in the quiet coastal town of Cardigan, South Wales, home to the small, exclusive jeans manufacturer Hiut Denim Co. Hiut is owned by David Hieatt and his family. David is also the brainchild behind the “DO Lectures”, a legendary event series held on the family farm on the outskirts of town.


    It was while I was attending the “DO Lectures – Makers and Mavericks” event in April 2021, following some fascinating presentations about regenerative farming and the dangers of fast fashion, that the idea of FLOC was born. I thought to myself, how can we use one of the most natural sources of fabric on the planet, wool, in a way that could help UK farmers turn what has been a loss-making burden into something that can support their way of life?


    And so began the quest to source a supply of woollen yarn that was totally home-produced, completely sustainable, fully traceable, gave a fair price to the farmer, and could be made into distinctive products that people want to own (and look after!).


    Over the next two and half years, we partnered with pioneering UK companies to bring our range to market. Working closely with Laxtons spinners of Shipley, who developed the  Wooltrace yarn used in all of our products. KnitLab North of Northumberland, who’ve finessed and manufactured our garments, and Weavabel of Leeds, who’ve designed and supplied our organic cotton labels, strawboard hangtags and recycled paper mailer bags.


    At every stage of the production process our focus has been on bringing together the best sustainable and traceable materials to manufacture a product that reflects our values to its core. Our friends and partners at The SHARP Agency in Huddersfield deserve a huge mention for creating the FLOC brand, which stands for quality, sustainability, traceability and fair trade, and something that will support British farmers for many years.


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